Friday, April 23, 2010


I am going through grief. Even though I have no experience of losing someone close to me, thank God, I do feel that something has been taken away from me.

Over the past few days, I've been telling myself I have to take the emotion out of this whole experience. Yet, a job loss is a loss, nonetheless. And every loss has to be processed emotionally before we can move on. A job is a livelihood, a means of living, a way to provide for those who depend on us. It is not simply something you wake up for in the morning, do eight hours a day, and escape from at night. Thus, I have to process my emotions and face them, something that I've always been terrified of.

How one processes the grief of a job loss, I do not know. I wish someone would just tell me because I am exhausted to pieces. Like many unemployed Americans, I lie awake in the middle of the night fighting confusion and hysteria in my brain. All I know is that, I cannot survive this without my family and friends, who have shown such exceptional support in the past days.

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